21. 2. 2016 Calendary

21.2. 2016 Detectors found the remains of the helicopter

Categories: Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar

The remains of the helicopter were discovered by metal detectors by two men five years ago near Damníkovo, near Česká Třebová. It was a Polish machine that crashed there just a few weeks after the occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968. The pilot and two passengers did not survive the crash.

The searchers specifically found a Polish army SM-2 helicopter. It crashed near Damníkovo on October 12, 1968. The Polish army took only the engine, leaving the rest of the wreckage at the site. It remained intact for many years because it was located in a remote terrain, which is not attractive for ordinary metal collectors. The machine crashed during a reconnaissance flight on the route from Česká Rybná to Šumperk.

The PZL SM-2 helicopter was able to fly at speeds of up to 170 km/h. The first ever flight took place on 18 November 1959. Production then took place between 1960 and 1963, with around ninety units being produced. Basically, it was a light multi-purpose utility helicopter and the manufacturer was PZL-Świdnik S.A. The chief designer was Jerzy Tyrcha.

A large part of the wreckage was lying loose near Damników, the rest was traced using metal detectors. The pair of men who pointed out the remains of the crashed helicopter came from Staré Město near Moravská Třebová, where the forest in question is located.

The men discovered fragments of the cockpit plating, part of the trusses, and the airframe, parts of equipment such as a temperature and oil pressure gauge, a compass, a control console and a piece of radio equipment. There are also remnants of the rotor blades and other fragments, mainly control elements.

The locality where the wreckage was located is known locally as "The Fallen Helicopter". Immediately after the crash, soldiers secured the site to prevent anyone from getting in. But then they left, leaving the aforementioned wreckage behind. The reason for the crash is believed to be pilot error. He decided to return to base because of the bad weather. He made a hard right turn and hit the tree tops.

The pilot and two passengers did not survive the crash. According to some historians, there was an explosion in the cabin which was quite fatal. This is indicated by the fact that there is a crater at the site measuring 3.5 metres in diameter and 40 centimetres deep.

Sources: www.pardubickykraj.cz, www.idnes.cz, www.lanskrounsko.cz


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Posádka byla dvoučlenná Major Jan Cąkała a Wanda Kopanowska a oba to přižili. Co se týče kráteru, tak z velkou pravděpodobností havarovali na dělostřelecký granát, který zapříčinil výbuch.
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ilmer: Pravda, přežili. Upsala jsem se. Omlouvám se a děkuji za upozornění :-)

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