Krása krasa to místo by zasluhovalo více než se stát ,, pouhým " muzeem. Mělo by to být dva v jednom. Do puntíku zrekonstruovaný starověký koupele podle původních plánu při použití původních postupů a materiálů spojeny s muzeem. Myslím že i z ekonomického hlediska to dává větší smysl muzeum by bylo sebestačne nebylo by odkazano na ňake milodary. A do takového muzea s lázněmi to by já šel i na týden. Kochat se tou krásou a rachnit se přitom v původním bazénku nasávat atmosféru toho místa jo toť vlhký sen každého obdivovatele historie škoda že to zůstane jen snem. Muzeum taky není špatný ale je to sterilní prostředí nesloužici původnímu účelu tudíž není 100% autentické přičemž u takovyho místa by mělo jít hlavně oto. Jináč dobrý článek musím pochválit přispěvatele takový příspěvky sou balzám na mou duši.
2,000-year-old bronze statues in excellent condition were discovered in the sacred baths
Categories: Nálezy nejenom s detektorem v západní Evropě
During archaeological excavations of the ancient baths of San Casciano dei Bagni near Siena, a set of twenty-four bronze statues was discovered. They all date from the period between the 2nd century BC and the 1st century AD. It is the largest set of bronze sculptures ever found in ancient Italy.
The hot springs and mineral waters of San Casciano dei Bagni have been popular since ancient times, believed to cure all kinds of illnesses. through deities such as Hygieia (goddess of health and purity), Apollo (god of healing) and Asclepius (god of healing, father of Hygieia). Bathing in the hot springs was meant to mediate direct contact with the gods. Those who could afford it left bronze or terracotta figures representing the diseased part of the body in the baths. Sometimes coins minted in the sanctuary were also donated - 6,000 coins have been discovered so far.
The first sanctuary here, with its terraces, hot baths, fountains and altars, was built by the Etruscans at least as early as the 3rd century BC. In the early 1st century, the Romans expanded it into a much larger complex. The baths were closed in the 5th century with the rise of Christianity, but were not destroyed. The pools were sealed with heavy stone columns and the deities reverently entrusted to the water. The statues of the gods and the votive figures of dozens of generations of believers are still in excellent condition today.
Since excavations began in 2019, archaeologists have found many votive offerings in the form of variousbody parts (wombs, penises, arms, legs, ears) left by patients at the sacred site. The first complex sculptures were discovered only a few weeks ago. The hot springs and the mud created ideal conditions for preservation.
In total, 24 large bronze statues were discovered. The find is all the more significant because most statues in antiquity were melted down for reuse. The sculptures are a unique testament to the transition between the declining Etruscan influence and the domination of Rome. The Etruscans gradually adopted the Roman lifestyle and culture. The statues demonstrate this transitional period in design, style and inscriptions. They were made in both Etruscan and Latin and depict the names of members of powerful Etruscan families such as Velimna of Perugia or Marcni at Siena.
According to Massimo Osanna, director general of the Ministry of Museums, the find is comparable to the sensational discovery of a pair of 5th century BC bronze warriors off the coast of Riace in 1972. "It is a discovery that will rewrite history. More than 60 experts from all over the world are already working on it, from architects to geologists, archaeo-botanists to experts in epigraphy and numismatics," archaeologist Jacopo Tabolli told ANSA.
The city of San Casciano has big plans for the unique sanctuary. An archaeological park will be built on its site. The 16th-century palace overlooking the pools will become a museum for the thousands of archaeological treasures found in the baths.
Roman Nemec
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research abroad > Nálezy nejenom s detektorem v západní Evropě
Ahoj, děkuju :)
Muzeum bude z paláce, celý komplex bude archeoparkem - viz posl. odstavec: Město San Casciano má s unikátní svatyní velké plány. Na jejím místě bude zhotoven archeologický park. Palác ze 16. století s výhledem na bazény se stane muzeem pro tisíce archeologických pokladů nalezených v lázních.
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To je docela fajn ale už to nebude sloužit k účelům pro který to vše bylo zbudovano. Až se tam to rozběhne uvítal bych další článek jako pokračování děkuji.
Mně by se líbilo si pohrát s tou krabičkou na posledním snímku...aaaaa to by byl vždycky takový relax na volné chvíle