Tak nevím, co to dnes s lidmi je, ale bylo tady 106 čumilů a ani jeden vám za tento přípěvěk nepoděkoval. Takže, já děkuji za článek i za krásnou fotku obrazu panovnice, která vládla 40 let a že to neměla jednoduché, to si pište! Ani její tatík, tedy Karel VI, protože dostat v té době ženskou na trůn, když syn nebyl, byl také počin, který lze i v dnešní době jen obdivovat.
Vážím si každého, kdo přispěje svojí prací a znalostmi, za jaký-koliv článek z historie naší země, ať už je o čemkoli. A připomenout si tak vzdělanou a chytrou i plodnou panovnici, jejíž mince kolovaly nejen v Evropě, ale snad po celém světě a to i dnes, v tolarové podobě, je snad obdivuhodné, myslím si osobně, že se velmi zasloužila o vzdělání lidí v této zemi, za což jí patří největší dík a úcta, vždyť až teprve nyní, v naší době, začali snad všichni chápat opravdový význam vzdělání. A že to tedy trvalo, od té slavné, sametové revoluce. 😊😄
17.2.1754- Maria Theresa orders a census
Categories: Personalities , Calendar
The first census in our territory was ordered by Maria Theresa on 17 February 1754. According to the results, we were one of the most densely populated European countries at that time. But this move by the Austrian monarch also provoked opposition. Some did not even believe that a census had actually taken place.
The Austrian Empress secured a regular census through a patent issued on 13 October 1753. When the first population survey was carried out in February of the following year, it was the first such unified action. "The census was first to be taken by the clergy according to parishes, then it was decided that the census provided by the superintendency would take place simultaneously and that its content would be expanded to include an inventory of houses and the economic characteristics of the householder.The census held in 1754 was an exceptional event," says the Czech Statistical Office.
The census ordered by Maria Theresa made it possible for the first time to determine how densely populated Bohemia was. "During the reign of Maria Theresa, the first census in Bohemia was also carried out, according to which the population of Bohemia at that time was about 2,500,000, for the male population was counted at one million and twice a hundred thousand," says the Otto's Learned Dictionary, verbatim.
However, some groups have tended to distort the data. Fear of tax increases was growing among the population. The nobility and the church in turn criticised the court's efforts at centralisation. Attempts to take a census had been known since antiquity. But the information is not complete, but only fragmentary and, above all, inaccurate. The reasons why the powerful empires were interested in population numbers were mainly two, namely, how large a fighting army they were able to raise, and what revenue to the state coffers could be raised through tax collection.
Also, Maria Theresa was motivated to create a population register by the fact that she was constantly facing external enemies during her reign. So she wanted to have an overview of the population in the countries of the Austrian monarchy for both military and fiscal reasons. The inventory created in 1754 was first provided to the clergy, who were to divide the people into those who were able to confess or had already done so. Then into young people capable of religious education and children.
The data were also accessible to the authorities. The population was registered according to sex, age and marital status. At the same time, an inventory of houses was taken. For over a hundred years the results were a state secret and some people did not even believe that the monarchy had carried out a census. However, censuses were indeed taken, every three years.
Sources: www.czso.cz, www.avcr.cz, Otto's Learned Dictionary, www.geschichtewiki.wien.gv.at, https://deacademic.com/
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