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12. 3.2011 He dug military trenches in his garden
Categories: Calendar
Andrew Robertshaw from Surrey, UK, dug the 18-metre-long trenches in his garden. It's a perfect replica of the First World War. The military historian and teacher was helped to build the trenches by friends who had returned from Afghanistan.
In this way, Robertshaw wanted to give an idea of the harsh life soldiers had at the front. The conditions in the narrow trenches were terrible, and they were claustrophobic. Soldiers who had returned from Afghanistan helped build the trenches.
Together with a military historian and a teacher, they dug tons of earth. They created the trenches according to the original map. Robertshaw used them to figure out what kind of trenches would work for his garden.
"The British trenches had a specific look. They were built using corrugated iron. We tried to create a really faithful replica, so we used a lot of steel components," revealed Robertshaw, who later sold the house. However, he kept the garden because he didn't want to give up his work.
His neighbours cheered him on. When Robertshaw and his fellow soldiers worked together, people from the neighbourhood would bring them tea. The authentic trenches aroused great public interest. Robertshaw and his friends even tried out what it was like to live in the trenches.
After the replica was finished, they spent a whole day there. They tried to put themselves in the shoes of soldiers during the First World War who had to endure the vagaries of the weather in cramped conditions. And with a lack of sleep.
"Each of the participants stated after half an hour of work that they were not prepared for this. There was mud everywhere and we couldn't find our personal belongings. It was really awful," admitted Robertshaw, who has written a number of historical war books. He also worked as a historical consultant on Steven Spielberg's War Horse.
Life in the trenches was tried out by ten daredevils who were dressed in period uniforms and equipped with original weapons during the twenty-four-hour experiment. Food was rationed as it was during the war.
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To musela mít manželka radost, že místo cypřišů, rododendronů, levandulí a pivoněk bude mít zákop plný bláznů a bahna
Lepší mít zákop plný bláznů na zahradě než jednoho doma.
Co tak dělá teď? Ráno vstane, udělá si kafíčko, jde si ho vypít do zákopu. Přečte si tam noviny, pak se nudí. Žena mu donese oběd. Dál se nudí, a se setměnim se vrátí domu.