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10. 7. 2015 Searcher finds prehistoric treasure
Categories: Treasures , Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic , Calendar
A three thousand year old bronze treasure was discovered six years ago in the Šumperk region by Vlastimil Flášar, a prospector with a metal detector. He stumbled upon the depot when he went for a walk in the forest. He discovered six necklaces and one pin.
When his detector began to signal that there was something metallic in the ground, he immediately started digging. Even when he saw the first object peeking out of the dirt, he knew he had found something precious. He immediately summoned archaeologist Jakub Halama from the Museum of Patrimony in Šumperk to the site. He and his colleagues located the site, documented it and expertly pulled the object out of the ground.
In the end, they took six necklaces to the museum, as well as a pin. It worked just like today's safety pin and was used to fasten clothes. According to Halama, these are the rarest items de pot.
"It's a large two-piece shield pin. Two-piece because the pin has an eye under its so-called oar-shaped head, through which the body of the pin itself is loosely threaded. It represents only the eighth known buckle of the unique Křenůvka-Domaniža type from the whole of Moravia," the archaeologist explained the significance of the find.
However, neckpieces are also rare. Only the wealthier class of people could afford to buy them, and even they had at most one. They certainly did not wear them on a regular basis. The clasp is also abnormally large, and not many similar ones have been found in Moravia. The clasp is also richly decorated with engravings.
The archaeologists were also very quickly able to determine the period of the artefacts. According to Halama, it is from the Late Bronze Age. "We are talking about a period of about one thousand years BC," Halama noted.
Flášar has long worked with the museum. According to archaeologists, he has been as professional as possible and has been very gentle with the historical object he discovered. "After the announcement, he did not remove the object from the ground and waited for the arrival of archaeologists. Thus, the deposition of the set of finds could be professionally documented, which is very important for archaeology," said Martina Buchtová, spokesperson for the museum.
Archaeologists refused to disclose the exact location of the discovery, lest the curious begin to flock there. Besides the objects themselves, the circumstances of the find, such as depth, location or surroundings, are also important," Halama said at the time.
The article is included in categories:
- Archive of articles > Treasures
- Archive of articles > Archaeology > Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic
- Archive of articles > Calendar
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