Okolnosti smrti diplomata a ministra zahraničí Jana Masaryka dodnes zůstávají zahalené tajemstvím. Jeho bezvládné tělo bylo nalezeno 10. března 1918 na nádvoří Černínského paláce ????
10.3.1948 Jan Masaryk died
Categories: Personalities , Calendar
The circumstances of the death of diplomat and Foreign Minister Jan Masaryk remain shrouded in mystery to this day. His lifeless body was found on 10 March 1948 in the courtyard of the Czernin Palace.
Jan Masaryk graduated from the Academic Gymnasium in Prague, then went on a six-year study stay in the USA. During the First World War he served as an officer in the Austro-Hungarian army. After the establishment of Czechoslovakia, the son of Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk embarked on a career as a diplomat. He worked in the USA and then in London, where he was ambassador from 1925 to 1938.
He remained a diplomat during the Second World War. He served as Foreign Minister in the government of Edvard Beneš in London. "In those difficult times, when the Czech lands were suffocated by the Nazi occupation, Jan Masaryk was one of the most popular Czech personalities. Listeners of London radio, in defiance of the mortal danger that threatened them, waited for his words," writes Jan Havel in his book The Death of Jan Masaryk Through the Eyes of a Criminalist: In the Shadow of Reflection and in the Light of Documents.
The BBC began broadcasting a Czech programme for listeners in the Protectorate on 8 September 1939, with Masaryk appearing regularly once a week from February 1940. He remained Foreign Minister after the war, and was popularly known as "Honza Masaryk". He did not join the resignation of ministers in February 1948 and remained a member of Gottwald's government. According to experts, he contributed significantly to the Communist Party's conquest of power.
However, on 10 March 1948 he was found dead under the bathroom window of his apartment in Czernin Palace. His lifeless body, dressed in striped pyjamas, was found in the courtyard by a guard, Pavel Straka. "He said he stayed with him for some time and then went back into the building, assuming that the guards were already lighting the telephone "Vladimír Liška writes in his book Jan Masaryk - The Mystery of Life and Death.
To this day, it is still unknown what actually happened. Whether Masaryk was murdered, committed suicide himself or simply fell when he tried to escape on a ledge. The prosecutor reopened the case of Jan Masaryk's death last autumn. The reason for this is the discovery of an audio recording of a statement by a police officer who was the first on the scene where Masaryk's body was found.
The investigators in 1948 are believed to have made mistakes. "It is not difficult to evaluate the course of the investigation at that time and to conclude that the most serious error was the elimination of the criminal investigators and the ignoring of the testimony ofevidence of their activities, focusing the investigation only on the suicide version and narrowing the investigation to a search for the will or other written evidence of suicide." says the official report on the death of Jan Masaryk signed by Jan Hora.
Sources: Vladimír Liška: Jan Masaryk - The Mystery of Life and Death
Jan Havel in the book The Death of Jan Masaryk through the Eyes of a Criminalist: in the Shadow of Reflection and in the Light of Documents
www. wikipedia.org
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Sebevražda.Jako diplomat neměl po dohodě mezi velmocemi šanci se v exilu uplatnit! Tak zvaná: Persona non grata Po veletočích Beneše už vůbec ne.Další věcí je původ (Redlich) a republika na zkoušku (První republika) jež svou činnost splnila.
To buiamon: jo, takových sebevražd byly plná 50 léta. Vždy bylo rovnou na začátku rozhodnuto, co byla sebevražda. Samozřejmě to ale byla ještě jenom legrace, jelikož většina normálních lidí zatím nevěděla, co jsou komouši vlastně zač a co teprve přijde. Vraždy, krádeže, lágry, únosy do sajuzu...
Tak nevím co znamená ten smajlík na konci, asi mrkáš, jako že je konečně konec. Zdá se že komouši jsou na 4,5% a tak konečně zmizí alespoň z parlamentu? Pokud to tak dopadne, dám si s chutí jedno na zdraví. Určitě souhlasíš, že tahle parta vrahounská, prolhaná patří celá do pekla.
Viky díky.
Elmara- tohle musela být strašná doba, co znám z vyprávění, chodili agitátoři, sebranka lidí, co sami nic neuměli a byli k ničemu, šířili po vsích strach mezi lidmi, otravovali lidi doma i na polích, pak přišlo zatýkání, vězení, doly.... Za poslední rok v mém nejbližším okolí zemřeli dva staří sedláci, oběma 92 let. Kolik roků já za nimi chodil, aby mi o těch dobách vyprávěli - o válce mluvili, ale 50 - 60 léta jako by chtěli vymazat ze své mysli.
Smajlík tam bude asi kvůli tomu překlepu v roce.