
W.Schindler N. Leutensdorf (Litvínov)

Artifact category

Identified category:
User feedback: Means of transport - bicycles - bells (30 názorů) wiky: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, : Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Lionek: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, cobasico: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, GATTO: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Hering: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, jajan: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Vari: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, lumberjack: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Mac: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Slovan: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, frantomas: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, kovboj78: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, petersonnn: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, s66: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, malina: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Tele: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, nadlacan: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, sock: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, SirMaik: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, kamenozrout: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Ladik: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, cisar: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, simir: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, srstka: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, mesr: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, kaja: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Schonauer: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, 444lupa: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Vrky_cz: Means of transport - bicycles - bells

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Circumstances of the finding

Location:Ústecký kraj
State of soil:Dry
Depth of the finding:10 cm
Used detector:Garrett 250
4 votes
4 votes
wiky wiky
24 December 2016,
24 December 2016


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