Včerejší parádička

Jedno prijemne prekvapko z nocni vychazky. V puli hledacky padla ta pulka, ktera opet nasr.ala, spis nez potesila :D

Artifact category

Identified category:
User feedback: Extremities and matches (23 názorů) Harryll: Extremities and matches, Hehous: Extremities and matches, Spendlik: Extremities and matches, Opin: Extremities and matches, TienYtong: Extremities and matches, Lagertha2: Extremities and matches, nastezce: Extremities and matches, Rakub: Extremities and matches, mycoken: Extremities and matches, Tomator333: Extremities and matches, nikamov: Extremities and matches, SirMaik: Extremities and matches, GATTO: Extremities and matches, tony52: Extremities and matches, Lukas87: Extremities and matches, Kalach: Extremities and matches, Mikeyh: Extremities and matches, Ceda83: Extremities and matches, 123Martin: Extremities and matches, zizka: Extremities and matches, : Extremities and matches, Machyc: Extremities and matches, quo_vadis: Extremities and matches

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Včerejší parádička
Včerejší parádička

Circumstances of the finding

Depth of the finding:10 cm
Used detector:Nox 800
10 votes
10 votes
Majowec Majowec
13 May,
13 May


tak to je krásnej kousek a celej

Moc pěknej koneček. ;-)

Krásné, gratuluji 👍

fajnový věcička..

fajnový věcička..

Takovej nákonečník by mě zase tak moc nesral. :-D Krásný, gratulace! ;-)

hodně dobrý :-O


Ale toho Pražáka je škoda.


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