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User feedback: Extremities and matches (34 názorů) Motopetak: Extremities and matches, : Extremities and matches, Karinn: Extremities and matches, tony52: Extremities and matches, GATTO: Extremities and matches, nastezce: Extremities and matches, Harryll: Extremities and matches, kocka1963: Extremities and matches, Hehous: Extremities and matches, TienYtong: Extremities and matches, Argill: Extremities and matches, petroff: Extremities and matches, Gorgo: Extremities and matches, mycoken: Extremities and matches, Lagertha2: Extremities and matches, Kapsa: Extremities and matches, Mikeyh: Extremities and matches, nikamov: Extremities and matches, Tom78: Extremities and matches, SirMaik: Extremities and matches, Pablito: Extremities and matches, Rakub: Extremities and matches, Opin: Extremities and matches, zizka: Extremities and matches, Tomator333: Extremities and matches, Strny.88: Extremities and matches, SILAIS: Extremities and matches, Xp.Lukas: Extremities and matches, Kalach: Extremities and matches, Scarmasax: Extremities and matches, Makoves: Extremities and matches, durruti: Extremities and matches, harymar: Extremities and matches, Teajay: Extremities and matches

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Neznámý predmet
Neznámý predmet

Circumstances of the finding

Location:Středočeský kraj
State of soil:Dry
Depth of the finding:6 cm
Used detector:Gpointer
9 votes
9 votes
Roxik007 Roxik007
10 October 2023


Středověk, opaskové nakonci

Moc pěkný,jak píše Janek-nákončí. Dobrej kop.👍👍

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