Klíček od kapesních hodinek

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Artifact category

Identified category:
User feedback: Keys to the clock (21 názorů), Keys from coins (1 názor)
GATTO: Keys to the clock, : Keys to the clock, Karinn: Keys to the clock, tony52: Keys to the clock, Hehous: Keys to the clock, TienYtong: Keys to the clock, Dandys73: Keys to the clock, michalk: Keys to the clock, Tom78: Keys to the clock, Pablito: Keys to the clock, petroff: Keys to the clock, Mikeyh: Keys to the clock, Rendy14: Keys to the clock, zizka: Keys from coins, Richard2008: Keys to the clock, Kalach: Keys to the clock, Rakub: Keys to the clock, nikamov: Keys to the clock, Spendlik: Keys to the clock, Lagertha2: Keys to the clock, Scarmasax: Keys to the clock, 123Martin: Keys to the clock, Admin's vote (?)

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Klíček od kapesních hodinek
Klíček od kapesních hodinek

Circumstances of the finding

Location:Pardubický kraj
State of soil:Dry
Depth of the finding:10 cm
Used detector:Van540
0 votes
0 votes
Evzen Evzen
16 May,
18 May


Je fakt pěknej ;-)

Hezký je ;-)

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