Část zvonku na kolo

Mosazný vršek zvonku kola

Artifact category

Identified category:
User feedback: Means of transport - bicycles - bells (21 názorů) Manzo: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, : Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Tele: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, kovboj78: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, frantomas: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, nikamov: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Poke: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, lesapan10: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Ladik: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, kaja: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Mac: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Jirka10: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Jogr: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, ondrasecek: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, sock: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Vari: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, nadlacan: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Vrky_cz: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, Tonny69: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, cobasico: Means of transport - bicycles - bells, srstka: Means of transport - bicycles - bells

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Část zvonku na kolo
Část zvonku na kolo
Část zvonku na kolo
Část zvonku na kolo

Circumstances of the finding

Location:Středočeský kraj
Depth of the finding:8 cm
Used detector:tesoro leon
3 votes
3 votes
Manzo Manzo
7 February 2017,
7 February 2017


zvonek pěknej.Foto strašný.

Jak ta fotka tak vidím na blízko. Jinak za palec.

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