Combat (All) – findings
- Infantry 246
- Tank 203
- For injuries 356
- Drivers 17
- General attack 136
- Badge for minesweepers, submarine fighters and escorts 8
- Crimean Peak 9
- Badge of the anti-aircraft artillery ground and 6
- Mountain divisions 5
- Spanish Cross without swords 0
- Narvik Peak 1
- Bandenkapfabzeichen 4
- Kuban Peak 1
- Panzervernichtungsabzeichen 2
- Northern Front Cross 2
- For crews of battleships and cruisers 2
- Destroyer war badge 2
- Coastal Artillery Badge 1
- Submarine War Badge 3
- Cholma Peak 1
- Distinguishing marks of troop type 6
- Demjanský štít 1
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Útočný odznak pěchoty-Infanterie Sturmabzeichen
- in Infantry assault badge
- by Thomson
- 9 September 2013
- 4
Všeobecný útočný odznak- Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen
- in General attack
- by Thomson
- 9 September 2013
- 3 1
Odznak za zranění-das Verwundeten-Abzeichen Tombak
- in For wounds-silver
- by Thomson
- 9 September 2013
- 2 3