Collar markings of the regiment 1918-1948 (All) – findings
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Třetí kousek z jednoho fleku
- in Collar markings of the regiment 1918-1948
- by ondrasecek
- 19 October 2019
- 2 4
34 limcove oznacenie pluku
- in Collar markings of the regiment 1918-1948
- by sti2002
- 6 October 2019
- 1 1
Límcové označení pluku 13
- in Collar markings of the regiment 1918-1948
- by romes.x
- 11 August 2019
- 1 1
126.pluk hrubé dělostřelectvo
- in Collar markings of the regiment 1918-1948
- by Pomelo
- 23 June 2019
- 1 1