War crimes


Recliners 24. 6. 1942


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Greetings to all fans of history and travellers against the flow of time. I think there is no one who does not know the fate of Ležáky and Lidice. Much has been written about them.
7 April 1944 Escape of Vrba and Wetzler from Auschwitz 7. 4. 1944

7 April 1944 Escape of Vrba and Wetzler from Auschwitz

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During the Second World War they were sent to Auschwitz, where they stayed for about two years. Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler managed to escape from the concentration camp on 7 April 1944. They gave testimony about the atrocities the Nazis committed against the Jews. This information was leaked to the BBC and the New York Times.
3. 4. 1977 Wilhelm Friedrich Boger died 3. 4. 1977

3. 4. 1977 Wilhelm Friedrich Boger died

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He was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder in the Auschwitz concentration camp. Wilhelm Friedrich Boger also died in prison on 3 April 1977. However, he managed to evade justice for many years.

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