Second World War


23.2. 1943 speech K. H. Frank in Lucerna 23. 2. 1943

23.2. 1943 speech K. H. Frank in Lucerna

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Increased labour requirements, total deployment in the Reich and the liquidation of production not relevant to the war. This followed a speech by the State Secretary of the Reich Protector's Office, K. H. Frank, which he delivered on 23 February 1943 in the Lucerna in Prague.
Nazi bunkers in Normandy

Nazi bunkers in Normandy

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Several hidden bunkers have been found near the beaches where the Allied landing of Operation Overlord took place in 1944. They were part of a German defensive system used to repel possible attacks from the enemy. The abandoned structures were not known about for decades.
8.2.1944 They approved the plan of Operation Overloard 8. 2. 1944

8.2.1944 They approved the plan of Operation Overloard

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It took over two years to prepare and is still one of the most important milestones of the Second World War. Codenamed Operation Overlord, the offensive has been mapped in detail by history, many books have been written about it and several films have been made. This plan to open the Western Front was finally approved on February 8, 1944.
1.2.1927 - First RAF Squadron 1. 2. 1927

1.2.1927 - First RAF Squadron

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Hundreds of Czechoslovaks passed through the Royal Air Force (RAF). Thirty of them belonged to the 1st Fighter Squadron, which was disbanded in the autumn of 1926, but was re-established on 1 February the following year.
30.1. 1933 - Hitler became Reich Chancellor 30. 1. 1933

30.1. 1933 - Hitler became Reich Chancellor

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The election of Adolf Hitler as Reich Chancellor on 30 January 1933 marked a major turning point in events in Germany, but also abroad. After taking power, the Nazis immediately began to settle old scores, and tens of thousands of Jews fled abroad.

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