

6.2.2014 Treasure found while walking the dog 6. 2. 2014

6.2.2014 Treasure found while walking the dog

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Many of the Gold Rush-era coins were discovered in early 2014 by a couple in California while walking their dog. The treasure was hidden in rusted cans. Experts estimated its value at more than ten million dollars.
Golden pin declared a treasure 6. 1. 2021

Golden pin declared a treasure

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In 2014, four schoolchildren found a rare gold pin that was only recently declared a treasure by the coroner. Only around ten similar pieces of jewellery have been found in the UK.
1.1.2016 Tudor jewellery in the Thames 1. 1. 2016

1.1.2016 Tudor jewellery in the Thames

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The pile of Tudor jewellery was collected by prospectors with metal detectors in England. The ornaments were gradually found in the River Thames and shown to the public five years ago. In addition to beads and studs, the hoard also contained so-called aglets.


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Polish archaeologists were shocked when they discovered a clay pot in a cornfield in December. It was filled to the brim with medieval coins. In total, they counted about 6,500 of them. That could buy a whole village. According to a preliminary hypothesis, the pot with the coins belonged to a Polish nobleman.
Watched chasing birds and found a treasure trove of Celtic gold staters for a record sum

Watched chasing birds and found a treasure trove of Celtic gold staters for a record sum

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It's like The Detectorist! A birdwatcher was watching magpies and buzzards over a freshly ploughed field when he caught a sharp glimpse of something golden. Arriving at the site, he found a 2,000-year-old Celtic coin in the mud. As he is also an avid detectorist, he went home to get his equipment and when he returned, within hours he found another 1,300 gold coins dating back to the mid-1st century. His find set a new British record...
The unique Anglo-Saxon cross from the detectorist's hoard has regained its original appearance after three years of cleaning

The unique Anglo-Saxon cross from the detectorist's hoard has regained its original appearance after three years of cleaning

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When Derek McLennan discovered the so-called Galloway Treasure in 2014 with his CTX 3030, it was a huge event that literally took the world by storm. Over time we were able to watch videos of the recovery of one of Scotland's greatest treasures, and later waited with baited breath for thethe CT scan of the contents of the unique Carolingian pot, from which conservators then extracted hundreds of beautiful gold and silver artefacts... And today, we're witnessing another success story: The presentation of a 9th century silver and gilded cross in its original glory.
Archaeologists discover rare Viking treasure with the help of a metal detector

Archaeologists discover rare Viking treasure with the help of a metal detector

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In 2019, evidence of a 1,500-year-old farm and a later settlement from the early to high Middle Ages was discovered in Viggbyholm, Sweden. Recently, archaeologists found a rare treasure trove of Viking silverware in one of the younger housesof Viking jewellery and coins, which they say "exceeds all expectations"...
19.12.2000 Winchester golden treasure 19. 12. 2000

19.12.2000 Winchester golden treasure

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The British Museum has boasted a magnificent collection of gold jewellery for twenty years. The beautiful hoard was discovered by a prospector using a metal detector in Winchester. The hoard includes necklaces, brooches and pins. The value of the find has been estimated at £350,000.


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I don't know what to write about such findings, as I am a complete beginner. In fact, I never thought I'd ever be interested in detectoring. When my partner came home with the news this February that he was going to get a detector, I found it terribly comical. When he started coming home with bits of metal that he had carefully cleaned and started describing what it might be, I started to wonder what era it might be from and what the story behind it might be...

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