Minelab – tests and reviews


New range of metal detectors Minelab Go Find

New range of metal detectors Minelab Go Find

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In this article you will find the first information about perhaps the most interesting news of this year. Plus a complete technical description of all three devices in pdf format and already in Czech language!
Metal detector CTX 3030 recommended settings and programs for download

Metal detector CTX 3030 recommended settings and programs for download

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Although this article will cover CTX 3030, this is actually the start of a long series of articles in which both myself and all the guys at the branches will be posting the best settings for each detector. The link to such pages will always lead from the detector discussion thread, and the articles will also be gradually expanded to include settings posted by experienced searchers. The special feature of the CTX 3030 article is that you will be able to download the programs as well.
How was Moravia Minelab Day

How was Moravia Minelab Day

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In the article you can see photos from the event and also read some of the measured results and the best settings for each detector.
A quick comparison of Etrac vs. CTX 3030 metal detectors

A quick comparison of Etrac vs. CTX 3030 metal detectors

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I traded my Ctx for an Etrac about two years ago, at first I was of course hesitant to keep the Etrac, but eventually I sold my lovely Etrac and paid extra for the CTX. The main reason was mainly curiosity, which overcame my doubts about whether I should invest the money in another detector again.

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