

19.01.1862 - General Kralíček 19. 1. 1862

19.01.1862 - General Kralíček

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He was born on 19 January 1862 in Hustěnovice in the Uherské Hradiště region as the youngest of eight children and was orphaned as a boy. Life was not kind to him, yet General Rudolf Králíček ranked among the most important military leaders of the Austro-Habsburg army. He could have become even the most influential.
16.01.1969 - The Burning Torch of Jan Palach 16. 1. 1969

16.01.1969 - The Burning Torch of Jan Palach

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He protested against the Soviet occupation and sacrificed the ultimate price - his own life. Jan Palach, a student of history and political economy at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University, burned himself to death on 16 January 1969, dying in great pain three days later.
14.12.1092, death of the first Czech king Vratislav II. 14. 12. 1092

14.12.1092, death of the first Czech king Vratislav II.

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He was born around 1031, as the second-born son of Prince Břetislav I and Jitka of Svinibrod. After the death of his father, his elder brother Spytihnev II became the ruling prince, Vratislav inherited the Olomouc destiny according to his father's will. His other siblings are Conrad I of Brno, Ota of Olomouc and Bishop Jaromír.
13.01.1330 - Frederick I. Sličný died after a long illness 13. 1. 1330

13.01.1330 - Frederick I. Sličný died after a long illness

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A significant part of his reign was influenced by his disputes with Louis Bavor over the throne of the Holy Roman Empire. For the last three years of his life, he was very ill and made himself scarce. Frederick I of Habsburg, who is also known as the Magnificent, died on 13 January 1330.
Metal Detectors Minelab - Brand History

Metal Detectors Minelab - Brand History

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Minelab was founded in 1985. The company was founded by Bruce Candy, who is one of several top metal detector designers in the world. In this article you will find a history of the company and a brief description of all the detectors the company has produced, including photos and manuals. With the big debut coming up, it's worth remembering a bit of history even though my original text is from 2010.
Forgotten World Natives from Bohemia - Tadeáš Haenke

Forgotten World Natives from Bohemia - Tadeáš Haenke

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On 5 December 1761, the former world scientist Thaddeus Haenke (full name Thaddäus Peregrinus Xaverius Haenke) was born in Chřibská, North Bohemia. Later he received a number of other surnames - e.g. Czech Humboldt for his immense scientific and discovery contribution as a world-class botanist, or Don Tadeo or also Tata Heanke from the South American Indians who recognized him as a philanthropist, physician and bread winner.
Eleonora Amálie: the vampire princess from Český Krumlov?

Eleonora Amálie: the vampire princess from Český Krumlov?

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Princess Eleonora Amalie von Schwarzenberg was born on 20 June 1682 in Mělník as the thirteenth and last child of Ferdinand August Lobkowitz, a Baroque nobleman. In 1810 she became the governess of the descendants of her deceased sister-in-law Pavlina von Schwarzenberg. Six years later, however, her sister Maria Karolína died and Eleonora took over the upbringing of their children.

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