

20.6. 1621 27 participants in the uprising sentenced to death 20. 6. 1621

20.6. 1621 27 participants in the uprising sentenced to death

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As early as 18 June 1621, a wooden execution scaffold covered with black cloth began to be built on Old Town Square in Prague, right next to the Town Hall. The execution of 27 representatives of the Estates Opposition took place three days later. Throughout the execution, trumpets and drums were sounded.
15.6.1085 Vratislav II became King of Bohemia 15. 6. 1085

15.6.1085 Vratislav II became King of Bohemia

11938 0
The coronation of Vratislav II as King of Bohemia was a splendid one. It took place in St. Vitus Cathedral. The crown was put on the new monarch by Archbishop Egilbert, the ceremonial act was also watched by the chronicler Kosmas.

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