

15.6.1085 Vratislav II became King of Bohemia 15. 6. 1085

15.6.1085 Vratislav II became King of Bohemia

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The coronation of Vratislav II as King of Bohemia was a splendid one. It took place in St. Vitus Cathedral. The crown was put on the new monarch by Archbishop Egilbert, the ceremonial act was also watched by the chronicler Kosmas.
14.6.1894 235 people died in the mines 14. 6. 1894

14.6.1894 235 people died in the mines

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The cause of the explosion and fire in the mines in Karviná in 1894 has not yet been clarified. The explosion occurred at 9:30 in the evening. In one of the pits, a mine cart was thrown up to a height of 20 metres.
12.6. 1771 Finding of the underwater treasure 12. 6. 1771

12.6. 1771 Finding of the underwater treasure

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It is estimated that the treasure of the underwater treasure consisted of up to seven thousand gold coins. It was found on 12 June 1771 after the flood by a poor farmer. The depot was subsequently seized by the local prince, who ordered thorough searches. Straws were torn up and even the floors were ripped out.
10.6. 1619 Battle of Záblatí 10. 6. 1619

10.6. 1619 Battle of Záblatí

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Mansfeld fled with several officers to Protivín, barely saving himself. His troops were scattered by the imperial army at the Battle of Zablati in June 1619. The defeat caused panic in Bohemia.
8.6.793 Viking raids into Western Europe began 8. 6. 0793

8.6.793 Viking raids into Western Europe began

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Vikings sacked the monastery of Lindisfarne in northern England in early June 793. Some of the monks were impaled on swords, others drowned, and still others were led away in chains. This attack began the Viking raids on western Europe.
6.6.1944 Normandy landings 6. 6. 1944

6.6.1944 Normandy landings

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At the beginning of June 1944, the key operation of the Second World War began. Allied troops landed in Normandy. But many men drowned without making it ashore.

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