Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic


17.2. 2016 Coins from the Thirty Years' War 17. 2. 2016

17.2. 2016 Coins from the Thirty Years' War

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The beautiful find was made by amateur archaeologist Martin Skříček in the autumn of 2015 and was reported by the media in February of the following year. He discovered thirty coins from the Thirty Years' War on the edge of the woods of Woodhostice Forest using a metal detector.
A life finding, what does that mean?

A life finding, what does that mean?

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Everyone probably imagines a treasure or at least something luxurious. Gold, silver, jewelry, or lots of war or unique artifacts. And that word "unique" accurately describes my find from November 2017.
16.2.2013 He had a ritual double grave in his garden 16. 2. 2013

16.2.2013 He had a ritual double grave in his garden

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He was working with a neighbour in his garden in Kunovice, Uhersko Hradiště, when they discovered a bone. Experts subsequently searched the site and unearthed a ritual double grave about 3,500 years old. The remains belonged to a young man and a young woman.
15.2.2015 The square hid centuries-old graves 16. 2. 2021

15.2.2015 The square hid centuries-old graves

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A large burial site hundreds of years old was discovered by archaeologists right in the centre of Horažďovice in the Klatovy region. It was hidden under a sidewalk. Among the most interesting is the grave of a pregnant woman buried with scissors and a medallion.
Unique stove and other artefacts from the centre of Brno

Unique stove and other artefacts from the centre of Brno

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In December, archaeologists began the fourth stage of their research at the so-called Roman Square in Brno. This site in the historic centre of the city in Františkanská Street is truly rich in artefacts. Archaeologists have already taken several boxes of them from here.
Figurative sacramentals of St. Anthony of Padua during the 20th Century

Figurative sacramentals of St. Anthony of Padua during the 20th Century

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He was born in Lisbon, Portugal in 1195 and his parents named him Ferdinand. His mother Trevera and father Martin Bullones were of noble birth. At the age of 15, Ferdinand entered the monastery of the Augustinian canons at St. Vincent's on the outskirts of Lisbon. Frequent visits from relatives interrupted his concentration on his studies and spiritual exercises. Perhaps this is why, after two years, he was transferred to the more distant monastery of Santa Cruz in Coimbra, where he continued his studies and especially his virtues as a model religious with zeal....
30.1.2014 9500 artefacts found at the castle 30. 1. 2014

30.1.2014 9500 artefacts found at the castle

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Part of a dolphin skull and a medieval arrowhead are among more than 9,500 artefacts discovered by archaeologists seven years ago during research around Cardigan Castle in Wales. It was built in the 12th century and its early history is very wild.

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