Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic


Diverted - tauglich

Diverted - tauglich

8077 7
I would like to thank Mr. Mgr. Jan Biederman, Ph.D.For taking the time to answer my question and sending me an answer to my query.I really appreciate it, not everyone is so helpful. Recently it was discussed here a bit so hopefully this will shed some light on the time of use.Thanks to Terka and Vitorio for providing the photo.
The most beautiful metal detector find of October 2020

The most beautiful metal detector find of October 2020

67299 149
So we know the winners and also the second and third place winners. So I would like to ask everyone to email us at with their addresses (don't forget the title of your entry) and phone number so we can send the prizes :)


55462 57
I don't know what to write about such findings, as I am a complete beginner. In fact, I never thought I'd ever be interested in detectoring. When my partner came home with the news this February that he was going to get a detector, I found it terribly comical. When he started coming home with bits of metal that he had carefully cleaned and started describing what it might be, I started to wonder what era it might be from and what the story behind it might be...
Mushroom pickers had a harvest: one carved a silver treasure when he fell off his bike, another dug up a 3,000-year-old sword

Mushroom pickers had a harvest: one carved a silver treasure when he fell off his bike, another dug up a 3,000-year-old sword

56589 31
This autumn was really rich in mushrooms. Bogusław Rumiński from the Polish village of Jezuicka Struga was also aware of this, and on 22 October he got on his bike and went mushroom picking. On the way, his front wheel got stuck in a rut and, unable to get out, Rumiński fell off. He reached out his hand to cushion his fall. When he picked himself up, he saw in his palm - together with a handful of dirt - six silver coins...
He lost his job to a coronavirus, found a treasure trove of silver coins from the 13th and 14th centuries in the autumn

He lost his job to a coronavirus, found a treasure trove of silver coins from the 13th and 14th centuries in the autumn

8142 8
A few small shiny objects of irregular shape were found by an unemployed tourist by chance. He noticed a hint of reliefs, e.g. a dragon, and the objects seemed to be silver. He therefore reported the discovery to the Regional Heritage Office in Trnava, which sent archaeologists to the site. In the meantime, the instructed finder disguised the site and did not interfere further with the excavation.

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