Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic


30.1.2014 9500 artefacts found at the castle 30. 1. 2014

30.1.2014 9500 artefacts found at the castle

2671 1
Part of a dolphin skull and a medieval arrowhead are among more than 9,500 artefacts discovered by archaeologists seven years ago during research around Cardigan Castle in Wales. It was built in the 12th century and its early history is very wild.
Diverted - tauglich

Diverted - tauglich

8129 7
I would like to thank Mr. Mgr. Jan Biederman, Ph.D.For taking the time to answer my question and sending me an answer to my query.I really appreciate it, not everyone is so helpful. Recently it was discussed here a bit so hopefully this will shed some light on the time of use.Thanks to Terka and Vitorio for providing the photo.
The most beautiful metal detector find of October 2020

The most beautiful metal detector find of October 2020

67413 149
So we know the winners and also the second and third place winners. So I would like to ask everyone to email us at with their addresses (don't forget the title of your entry) and phone number so we can send the prizes :)


55643 57
I don't know what to write about such findings, as I am a complete beginner. In fact, I never thought I'd ever be interested in detectoring. When my partner came home with the news this February that he was going to get a detector, I found it terribly comical. When he started coming home with bits of metal that he had carefully cleaned and started describing what it might be, I started to wonder what era it might be from and what the story behind it might be...

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