Finds and rescue research in the Czech Republic


The Prehistoric World, Volume One-Cambrium

The Prehistoric World, Volume One-Cambrium

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Welcome to the first episode of Prehistoric World. In this series I will introduce the individual periods of the Protohistoric period and the most famous Czech sites where you can find the remains of the fauna and flora of that time.
First Republic moneyboxes, treasury boxes and keys to them, part 2 - Tresoria moneyboxes

First Republic moneyboxes, treasury boxes and keys to them, part 2 - Tresoria moneyboxes

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Looms were very popular in the 1920s and became a common part of all households, so there were quite a lot of them and a large number still survive. Sadly, as I wrote in the last installment, the vast majority were without keys and often with damaged locks. And since I think many of you have one at home, here you will find a detailed description of each type in my collectionand detailed photos of the mechanisms and keys that can help you repair your cassette and make a matching key.
Petrified Forest in East Bohemia

Petrified Forest in East Bohemia

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East Bohemia is not a very rich area paleontologically or even mineralogically. Nevertheless, there are places where you can find some remnants of prehistoric life or a nice stone. One such place is, for example, the Metuje river basin with its fossilised primordial wood-aracharites.
Riddle from Česká Lípa

Riddle from Česká Lípa

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Interested in an item found while shoveling dirt and asking for some more information from an unregistered finder.
Finding of worked trunks in Hradec Králové

Finding of worked trunks in Hradec Králové

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In mid-October, builders discovered two worked oak trunks near the University Hospital in Hradec Králové, which probably represent unfinished monoxyles. If their prehistoric age is proven, this will be a find of pan-European significance.
A golden necklace found by a metal detector in Central Bohemia

A golden necklace found by a metal detector in Central Bohemia

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The find of a lifetime that every avid prospector dreams of when he or she hungrily scours the internet for news of gold finds in England. "Too bad we don't have something like that growing here", is usually the first thought that comes to mind when one looks enviously abroad. But sometimes they apparently "grow" in our little country too. And I had the privilege, after more than two thousand years, to bring this beauty out of the darkness and into the light...
Elephant riddle from Sweden

Elephant riddle from Sweden

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We have an enquiry from the Swedish museum Blekinge about a find on LP. It is probably a brooch/clasp. A similar one was found during excavations in Sweden and they are trying to find more information.

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