Finds and rescue research abroad


The mystery of the Baghdad batteries

The mystery of the Baghdad batteries

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It happened in 1938 during the works in Khujut Rab. Just outside Baghdad. Here, German archaeologist Wilhelm Konig recovered a five-inch-long (13cm) clay vessel containing a copper cylinder that encased an iron wire. The vessel showed signs of corrosion and initial tests indicated the presence of an acidic agent. Probably wine or wine vinegar.


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According to published estimates, there are approximately 650,000 ships lying along the shores of the Americas. In recent history, from 1824 to 1962, an additional 1,500 ships sank in the same area with an estimated cargo value of.....
Viking Treasure

Viking Treasure

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You may have seen this discovery in the news a few days ago, as I did. After a short spot that ran on CT, I checked out the BBC website and drooled in mute amazement at the keyboard of the nouveau riche.
Flotilla 1715

Flotilla 1715

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In June 1715, a very strong hurricane hit the Florida beaches. When the storm subsided, 11 ships of the Silver Fleet were at the bottom of the ocean. These medieval "convoys" carried treasures from the New World to Spain.

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