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Polní nález
Kategorie des Artefaktes
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Ansichten der Benutzer: | USA (1 Meinung), US-Plaketten (1 Meinung) cobasico: USA, REBEL1866: US-Plaketten |
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Lokalität: | Jihočeský kraj |
Bodenzustand: | Trocken |
Fundtiefe: | 5 cm |
Verwendeter Detektor: | GM 4 |
Je to odznak (logo) - 376th Infantry Regiment US Army ...
Sterling DI for US Army 376th Infantry Regiment
Popis: This is a sterling silver distinctive insignia for the United States Army 376th Infantry Regiment. The DI is a blue, red and silver crest bearing a convoluted lightning bolt and a coiled serpent.
Viz např. zde -
376th Infantry Regiment - The regiment was assigned to the town of Wuppertal and the surrounding area until V-E Day. After V-E Day, the 376th was assigned to occupation duty in Czechoslovakia until it left for the U.S. in late 1945.
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