Nazi Belt Buckle and a few other things

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Nazi Belt Buckle and a few other things
Nazi Belt Buckle and a few other things
1 Stimme
1 Stimme
Americandigger Americandigger Facebook
der 19. März 2017,
der 19. März 2017


Please, if you´re sending your findings make a single contribution for each one. If you´re sending more than one thing in one article you must put it into club section. :-)

Yes thank you..I'm sorry for that. Being that I am American and not very good at Czech language, I am still trying to learn the website. I apologize for any inconvenience. I will refrain from posting until I figure everything out.

I understand that is so difficult for english speaking person to learn czech language. I hope that you will orientate at these pages in some time.

Yes I'm learning :)

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