krtko milý,
veliké šťastie ťa stretlo - v podobe mojej osoby.....
- to, co si našel je - mincovní závaží - zlaté mince - 1 Louis
- tato mince má nějakých - 6,7g - ty máš o něco míň, bo máš ulomenej capl
- na tem závaží je hore 1 a pod tím jakýsi - 1 1/2 AS - to bych řekl, že je nějakej převod
- lékárnické, nebo mincovní?
Prosím o radu, dík :-)
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Ansichten der Benutzer: | Münzgewichte (3 Meinungen) jarkan: Münzgewichte, kovboj78: Münzgewichte, Ladik: Münzgewichte |
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Dík za určení, teď ještě najít tu minci
jináč, období platnosti této mince by se měla pohybovat mezi - 1640-1795 , poté byl zaveden frank
tu je příklad převodu měn -
The first French paper money was issued in 1701 and was denominated in livres tournois. However, the notes did not hold their value relative to silver due to massive over–production. The Banque Royale (the last issuer of these early notes) crashed in 1720, rendering the banknotes worthless (see John Law for more on this system).
In 1726, under Louis XV's minister Cardinal Fleury, a system of monetary stability was put in place. Eight ounces (a mark) of gold was worth 740 livres, 9 sols; 8 ounces of silver was worth 51 livres, 2 sols, 3 deniers. This led to a strict conversion rate between gold and silver (14.4867 to 1) and established the values of the coins in circulation in France at:
Louis d'or (gold coin) = 24 livres, along with a half-Louis coin (the demi-louis d'or) and a two-Louis coin (the double louis d'or) (12 and 48 livres).
écu (silver coin) = 6 livres = 120 sols, along with 1⁄2, 1⁄4 and 1⁄8 écu denominations (60, 30 and 15 sols)
copper coins of 1 and 2 sols: 1 sol = 12 deniers
6 and 3 deniers (the latter also called a liard) were also issued.
a tu je mince -
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